Friday, May 27, 2011

Enjoy your break

Enjoy your week off next week but dont forget that if you have exams you need to be revising to ensure you fulfill your potential

Sunday, May 22, 2011

After exams

A reminder that following exams students are expected to return to lessons and are not permitted to go home.
Do not ask office staff to let you out as refusal can sometimes offend.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Afternoon exams

Afternoon exams will start at 1.30pm.
If you have an exam please make sure you make arrangements to ensure you have your lunch in plenty of time, bring a packed lunch or get something break time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Exam epectations

Please ensure that you arrive to the correct room on time with the correct uniform and equipment. Please ensure all coats and bags are locked in your lockers and all mobile phones handed in.

Remember that once you enter the exam room you should not talk to or try to communicate with others until the very end of the examinations. Any breech of this rule could result in all exam papers being cancelled.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Year 11

A reminder to all year 11 students that you do not go on study leave until Friday June 10th and so will be expected to attend lessons until this date. Every minute spent working towards exams and completing coursework will help improve your results.

You are still members of this school and expected to follow the school rules and keep to the high standards of behaviour and uniform you have always set. This is your school, be proud of it and treat it and those in it with respect.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Year 11 leavers ceremony

 If any year 11s have any pictures that they would like included in the Leavers Ceremony please save them  on to the Shared Area in the Leavers Ceremony Folder.  

 If any students would like to contribute to the event then please let myself or Mr Lawloe now as soon as possible.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Quiz for Friday

Who knows most about last weeks wedding?

Year 11 Prom

Prom tickets are now for sale!

See Miss Williams during Break times, Lunchtimes or Afterschool only!

Tickets are £15 each.

Year 11 Prom will be held @ Peterstone Lake Golf Club

Friday 8th July