Thursday, January 06, 2011

Dates for Your Diary 2011

4th January: 
Inset Day
17th January:
Friends of Newport High Meeting
7th - 11th February:
KS5 Progress Review with TFL's
10th February: 
KS4 Pathways Evening
21st February:
End of Term
1st March:
3rd March: 
World Book Day
14th March: 
Friends of Newport High Meeting
25th March: 
HPV Vaccinations & Diphtheria Tetanus & Polio Booster  
31st March: 
Academic Review Day
1st April:
Inset Day
4th - 8th April:
KS5 TFL Review
11th April:
Friends of Newport High Meeting
18th April:
End of Term
16th May:
Friends of Newport High Meeting
30th May:
End of Term
13th June:
Friends of Newport High Meeting
24th June:
Years 5 & 6 Transition Day
29th June - 3rd July:   
French Trip
1st July:
Inset Day
4th - 8th July:
Year 10 Work Experience
Family Learning Week
8th July:
Sports Day
11th July:
Friends of Newport High Meeting
19th July:
Reward Trips
25th July:
End of Term