Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School orchestra

Orchestra is after school tomorrow in the main hall. You need to bring instruments. Instrumental staff are coming in tomorrow especially to help so it is really important everybody turns up.



Grease auditions for the main characters are happening AFTER SCHOOL NEXT TUESDAY ( 25/09/2012).

Pupils need to bring a backing track on USB/CD or phone. They will need to sing one song and read a small part of the script.
They will be held in the main hall. 
Main characters are Danny, Sandy, Rizzo, Keniki, Frenchy, Marti, Doody, Putsy, Sonny, Headteacher, Blanche, Teen angel. 

If pupils want to be in the chorus (no solos) or part of the dance group there will be a sign up sheet put up in the Music Room next week.

PE lunchtime clubs

If you wish to take part in any of the PE departments lunchtime clubs you will need to obtain a pass from a member of the PE staff prior to the start of lunchtime. Without the pass you will not be allowed out of the canteen.


Mr Hoskins

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Form Reps

Dont forget if you want to represent your form and have your say on school issues today is the day to come forward and let your TFL know.

Mr H

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Extra Curricular Sport Timetable

The Extra Curricular Sport timetable is ready and sessions begin this week.

Please click the link below to see the wide range of sporting activities available to you.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Jamie Oliver and Hospitality learners

Please can you ensure that you bring your ingredients to the food room at 8.30 am on the day of your practical sessions.

Many thanks
Mrs Paginton and Mrs Williams

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Form reps

During TFL on Thursday each form will need to nominate three form representatives, one from each of the years 9,10 and 11,  who will represent your form on the Pryderi House council.

Once all form reps have been decided we will elect the three people who will represent Pryderi on the school council.


Mr H

Instrumental lessons

 Instrumental lessons are starting this week and pupils need to check time and dates in the main Music Room. Also whole school orchestra is starting on Wednesday after school in the main hall and everybody who receives lessons or plays a orchestral instrument needs to attend.


Miss Harris

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Pre order lunch

You can now order your lunch at breaktime to ensure that you get what you want without waiting.

To do this you need to pick up a a form at breaktime, fill it in and hand it back to the canteen staff.


Mr H

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Welcome back

Hi everyone

Hope youve all had a great holidays and have come back refreshed and ready to carry on the excellent work you started last year.

Every Tuesday we will be reading an article or a page from a book. Follow this link for todays on Organic Food.


Mr H